
Sunday, 10 June 2012

Car Boots & Vintage

In recent weeks I've been to a car boot sale and a vintage fair and I'm happy to say I survived both. It's much more fun than trailing down the High Street but seemingly much more dangerous.

old stuff

this is what I mean when I say tat
At the car boot sale the tat factor was explosive - the sheer amount of bits and bobs passing hands was unbelievable. I thought I had outsmarted the crowd by finding an awesome little film camera for £3.50. The guy on the stall assured me that it would work and proceeded to play around with it in a manner that suggested everything was A-Okay.

Of course when I got home and proudly presented the bargain to my husband I found out the only way to get it to take film is by some impossible process. The cheeky devil on that stall had even sold me a film for an extra £1.50. Shucks! I realise now that a certain shade of criminality is all part and parcel of the car boot sale and I have taken this as a steep learning curve. Anyway I still like my camera, even though it is completely useless.

LP heaven
books 'n cute shoes
you'd be amazed what can come out of a car boot!
At the vintage fair it was more upmarket but the keen sense of bargain hunting was still very much in attendance. The whole place was swarming with retro style people, some of whom were absolutely gorgeous to look at.

vintage girl
100% cool
more phones
ickle baby radio
old school headwear
There's an etiquette which was famliar to both the car boot sale and the vintage fair which is basically - every man for himself. 'Pleases' and 'thank yous' are thrown out the window in favor of a more aggressive approach. My husband, who came with me, was somewhat shell shocked by the whole thing.

hat awesomeness
classic clothing
My favorite stall by a million miles was: Whispering Grass I bought a cute little 50s wool jumper, made in Scotland of course plus a few bits for my hair - all hand made and all beautiful.

Let's face it guys, both car boot sales and vintage fairs are fun but not for the fainthearted. I will definitely be going again, even if it's just to give that camera guy what for!

one hell of a vintage fair

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